Never Wear More Than a Light Jacket

Throw away your snow shovel and donate your winter clothes – you won’t need them in Levy County. North Florida has a temperate climate with pleasant winters and warm springs. In early October, open your windows to let the cool breeze into your home and keep them open until April or May. Temperatures drop into the 40s at night during the winter but warm up into the 60s or 70s during the day.
Feel the Sea Breeze
Summers in Levy County are also enjoyable. While temperatures frequently reach the 90s, the coastal breeze keeps the air moving. Summer is also the rainy season in Florida, which means a refreshing shower can blow in during the afternoon and break the heat.
Spend More Time Outdoors
This climate is ideal for people who love the outdoors. Levy County doesn’t have seasonal activities because the weather is always ideal for going outside. You can hike, swim, and fish all year round. This part of Florida is in USDA Zone 9A for plant hardiness, so feel free to create a lush garden with your favorite shrubs, flowers, and trees. They will continue to bloom through the winter months. Plus, our grass stays green year-round.